Complimentary consultation
Enjoy your first visit to Smileline on us! Before you “put your feet up”, we’ll offer you a tour of our brand-new space, pointing out our onsite amenities and explaining some of the state-of-the-art technologies we use to make your orthodontic treatments as comfortable and time-efficient as possible.
Visual examination
We’ll begin your consultation by conducting a visual examination of your teeth, jaws and facial areas. This will allow us to assess the basic nature of your orthodontic needs.
Photographs and X-Rays
If through our visual examination we feel its necessary, we’ll take X-rays and photographs to gather greater insight into your potential treatment requirements.
Discuss your options
Now we’re ready to discuss your treatment options in detail, reviewing the positives and negatives of each in considering your short-term and long-term goals.
Meet our treatment coordinator
Ready? Our treatment coordinator will guide you through all the necessary paperwork such as scheduling, fees and insurance (if applicable).
Start treatment
Should you decide to go ahead with our recommended treatment, we hope your first visit will end by booking your next. We look forward to seeing you again!