Best Remedies to Soothe Your Child’s Toothache | Smile Line Dentistry

Best Remedies to Soothe Your Child’s Toothache

Kids are going to have growing pains, but dental pain should never be ignored! Tooth Pain can come in many forms. It may be mild or severe, consistent or periodic. It may occur in response to something specific or spontaneous. Regardless of the form of tooth pain your child experiences, the best way to help is to visit a Paediatric Dentist.

Fortunately, there are several methods that can help alleviate toothache pain in children, ranging from home remedies to over-the-counter medications and dental procedures. Our experts at Smileline Orthodontics & Kids Dentistry are here to share their tips for soothing children’s toothaches and how to prevent them in the first place.

There are several causes of toothaches in kids, and the amount of pain can vary depending on the reason.

Tooth Decay aka Cavities

 When bacteria erodes away the protective outer layer of enamel in teeth.

Dental Infection

Children’s cavities extending into the pulp found inside a tooth often causes inflammation & infection. Your child may experience some pain, discomfort, change in affect, and/or fever.

Grinding Teeth

Some children have a habit of grinding their teeth which ultimately leads to a toothache. Teeth grinding can wear away the enamel of the teeth especially if it’s left untreated. It can also cause increased sensitivity of the teeth.

A Tooth Fracture

If your child is active and plays a lot of sports, they’re more likely to end up with a tooth fracture, which may cause a toothache. Children who play sports without a mouthguard are more likely to damage their teeth than those who do wear mouthguards. Cracked teeth are not always easy to spot, so a tooth fracture may be overlooked if your child doesn’t have a regular dental check up every six months.

Gum Inflammation

A sign of gingivitis in children is red and tender gums. Forgetting to brush and floss on a regular basis can be the cause of inflamed gums. You’ll notice that your child’s gums will start to bleed when they brush and floss if they have gingivitis. Gum inflammation can make a child feel like they are suffering from a toothache. Regular brushing and flossing are encouraged twice a day to prevent gingivitis.

Tooth Abscess

The root of your child’s toothache might be something more serious like an abscessed tooth. If you notice a pimple or boils on your child’s gums, it may be an abscessed tooth where pus has formed inside a pocket. If your child complains of throbbing tooth pain, this is a commen sign of an abscessed tooth. If left untreated, this will negatively impact your child’s teeth by eroding through the bone. Schedule an appointment with your child’s dentist immediately if you suspect they have an abscessed tooth.

Tooth Sensitivity

Pay attention to your child if they’re complaining of a tingling sensation or pain after eating hot or cold foods – they may be experiencing tooth sensitivity. With tooth sensitivity, porous tissue found under the tooth enamel may be exposed. To help relieve your child’s tooth pain due to sensitivity, try to brush two times a day using toothpaste for sensitive teeth. These Smileline approved remedies are easy to try at home to help relieve your child’s toothache until they can be seen by their Paediatric dentist.

  1. Cold compress

A cold compress is a valuable home remedy that can effectively provide some relief for your child’s toothache. By using a cold compress, such as wrapping ice or an ice pack in a cloth or towel, you can reduce pain and swelling associated with the toothache. The cold temperature helps to constrict blood vessels, numbing the area and alleviating discomfort. While a cold compress can provide temporary relief, it is still advisable to seek professional dental care to address the underlying cause of the toothache.

  1. Peppermint tea bags

Applying a warm peppermint tea bag directly to the site of your child’s toothache can harness the soothing power of peppermint oil. The warmth helps to release the oil’s beneficial properties, providing relief from the toothache. Additionally, if your child prefers a cold sensation, you can chill the tea bag in the freezer before applying it to the affected area. This combination of peppermint oil and the comforting coldness of the tea bag can bring temporary relief and alleviate the discomfort.

  1. Salt water rinse

Saltwater is also an effective home remedy that can provide relief for your child’s toothache. This simple yet powerful solution can be easily prepared by mixing a teaspoon of salt with a glass of warm water. When your child experiences a toothache, rinsing their mouth with saltwater can help alleviate the pain. The warm saltwater rinse works by reducing inflammation, killing bacteria, and soothing the affected area. It also helps to loosen any food particles stuck between the teeth, providing additional relief. Using saltwater as a home remedy is a safe and natural way to temporarily ease your child’s toothache until you can

visit your child’s Paediatric dental specialist.

  1. Over-the-Counter Pain Medication

Common medications such as Advil or Tylenol, (ibuprofen, or acetaminophen) are effective pain relievers. These medications can provide fast relief when taken according to the instructions on the bottle. Ibuprofen, in particular, has been found to be effective in addressing tooth pain with its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is crucial to ensure that the dosage is appropriate for your child’s age and weight. While over-the-counter pain medication can provide temporary relief, it is still advisable to consult your Paediatric dentist for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment, before the toothache persists or worsens.


Ways To Prevent A Toothache

Toothaches can be incredibly uncomfortable, but there are several proactive steps you can take to prevent them:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste, and don’t forget to floss daily.
  • Visit your Paediatric dentist regularly: Schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings to detect and address any potential dental issues before they develop into toothaches or other problems.
  • Follow a healthy diet: Limit sugary and acidic foods and beverages, as they can contribute to tooth decay.
  • Use fluoride products: Fluoride has antibacterial properties and helps strengthen tooth enamel, both promoting resistance to tooth decay.
  • Wear a mouthguard: If you participate in sports or activities that carry a risk of dental injuries, wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth from trauma.
  • Address dental issues promptly: If you notice any signs of dental problems, such as tooth sensitivity, pain, or gum inflammation, seek prompt dental care. Treating dental issues early can prevent them from progressing into more severe toothaches or complications.

Signs Your Child Has a Toothache

It can be tough to tell if your child is suffering from a toothache, especially when they aren’t able to express themselves yet. Here are a few of the telltale signs of a toothache in children:

  • Repeatedly rubbing jaw, teeth or gums
  • Pain when touching the tooth
  • Strong reactions to hot or cold foods
  • Abrupt change in eating habits
  • Pain or throbbing in mouth
  • Fever
  • Feeling more tired than usual
  • Trouble sleeping

Toothaches can be distressing for children, but there are several remedies that can provide them with relief. From cold compresses and saltwater rinses to over-the-counter pain relievers, there are many options to help reduce toothache pain in children. Of course, encouraging good oral hygiene habits from a young age can help to prevent toothaches and other dental issues. Let’s not forget about regular visits to the Paediatric dentist either as this can help identify and treat any underlying dental problems that may be causing toothaches.

For more information on the best remedies for your child’s toothache, call the professionals at Smileline Orthodontics & Kids Dentistry.